Issue 30 Call of Duty: Are Videogames our Friend or Foe? Around the mid-1980s, video games began to rise as a form of popular entertainment, and within the last twenty years, they have catapulted even further through the development of mobile games for the casual gamer.
Issue 26 Improving Memory through Slow Wave Sleep In the ocean, the form water will take at any given time may seem unpredictable to someone not paying attention, though there are patterns that can be identified and relied upon with some certainty.
Issue 26 Bilingualism and the Brain Introduction Shaina Shetty, a woman born in Detroit, spoke Tulu (an Indian language with only 1.7 million speakers) up until she started elementary school in Detroit: “[My parents] had
Issue 20 How a Signal is AMPA'fied Find out the role of the NMDA-AMPA receptor system in our ability to associate the occurrence of two events, allowing our brains to learn and form memories.
Issue 19 Harnessing the Power of Sleep Many college students discount the importance of sleep; whether it is to stay up cramming for a test, or to play a new game that was just released, students simply
Issue 14 Neural Oscillations With the new millennium, interconnectivity has undoubtedly become an integral part of society; and with it, the need to learn new information with ease and grace. Traditionally, this has meant