Featured Article Love Actually (it’s neuroscience) Love is an insane neurochemical flood. For those of us lucky enough to have experienced it, this comes as no surprise. A wide variety of neurochemicals have been implicated in
Featured Article To Sleep or Not to Sleep: That is the College Student’s Eternal Question Ironically, I am currently in Odegaard, the University of Washington’s 24-hour library, writing an article about sleep deprivation at one in the morning. As I am writing, I am
Featured Article SfN Day 3 | Dr. Jeff Lichtman’s Presidential Lecture on Connectomics It is clear that not all wiring in our nervous system is genetic. People are not born with the capacity to cook a soufflé, play the piano, or ride a
Featured Article SfN, Day 2 Today’s topic of interest was Learning and Memory – particularly the ways in which memories are stored. For many years it was commonly accepted that a memory was physically represented
Featured Article SfN, Day 1 How to Make a Midbrain: Today at sfn , I attended a symposium on the mechanisms guiding physiological changes in the midbrain. The midbrain begins developing very early due to the