Issue 29 Mirror, Mirror Have you ever flinched when watching a character get hurt on TV? Yawned when someone near you yawned? These reactions may be due to unique brain cells known as mirror neurons.
Issue 9 Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder Autism Spectrum Disorder: A New Name A concise definition is a powerful tool in medicine and medical science. As we learn more about the biomedical world, our ability to better
Issue 4 Bacteria and the Brain Microbiome research is taking neurobiology to an unexpected place: the gut. Recent research has demonstrated a link between the microorganisms that live in the stomach and seemingly unrelated conditions like
Issue 2 GABA Receptors & Autism Spectrum Disorders Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disorder generally characterized by hindered social interactions. Hypersensitivity and motor impairments are often symptoms of the illness. The potential causes of ASDs remain