Issue 31 Dummy Treatment, Real Results: The Placebo Effect The term placebo comes from the Latin phrase “I shall please,” but today, it typically means a sham medical treatment. Despite being inactive, placebo treatments can still have significant beneficial effects on patients, known as the placebo effect.
Issue 31 Pain and distress in animal research Documentation of pain and distress that may affect behavior and wellbeing is generally more difficult for animals than it is for humans, which can skew the results.
Issue 27 Spice Spice Baby: How Eating Spices Benefits the Brain Imagine you’re out at dinner with a friend, excitedly awaiting your dish. Your food comes, and you take a big bite.
Issue 26 CBD: New Player on the Pain Block Everyone knows what pain is…right? While most people have a comfortable understanding of what pain means to them, pain as a clinical symptom is nebulous: difficult to describe and even more difficult to treat [1].
Issue 4 Snow World For patients who have suffered traumatic burn injuries, the pain continues long after they’ve been taken to the hospital. While opioids are sufficient to manage their pain from the